
Is your business or CIC looking to raise funds?

Are you feeling frustrated trying to secure investment for your business idea?

Have you exhausted all the conventional avenues?

- Seeking support from Friends & Family

- Venturing into Crowdfunding

- Approaching Banks for loans

- Pursuing Grants

- Seeking assistance from Business Angels

- Reaching out to Venture Capital firms

And yet, you've hit a dead end?

You've probably realised that the costs are exorbitant, and the hurdles seem insurmountable.

You might find yourself in a Catch-22 situation – either too early or too late for conventional investors' liking.

And those Dragon's Den-style investors? They're more like devils in disguise, focused solely on maximizing profits rather than understanding your vision.

You feel like you don't fit their mould, and the automated response is always a resounding NO!

Unless you're fortunate enough to have a wealthy relative, it seems like you're out of options.

But fear not! At Take a Punt, we're here to shake things up...

So welcome to Take a Punt (TAP), where we're rewriting the rules of investment.

Gone are the days when opportunities were reserved for the privileged few. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to pitch their promising ventures, regardless of their financial status. That's why we've created a platform that empowers everyday individuals to become stakeholders in exciting businesses with as little as £100.

TAP is more than just a platform – we're a community of "Pitchers." We reject the elitist connotations of terms like "founder," instead embracing the inclusivity and camaraderie of our unique label.

At TAP, we're not just another corporate entity. We're a community of Punters, individuals who dare to champion innovative ideas and budding entrepreneurs. We've redefined the notion of investing by placing emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility. Here, your role as a Punter is celebrated, as you play a vital part in supporting projects that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Our platform is a haven for opportunities that may not fit the traditional funding criteria. These are the diamonds in the rough, the ideas and ventures with immense potential waiting to be unearthed. We've simplified the process, asking you to consider three straightforward questions: Do you like it? Do you understand it? Can you afford it? If the answer is yes to all three, then why not take a punt?

But that's not all. For UK taxpayers, there's an added bonus: HMRC can underwrite part of your investment. It's an opportunity like no other, where dreams can truly become a reality for everyone involved.

Join us at Take a Punt, where the playing field is levelled, and opportunity knows no bounds. Let's make investment accessible, inclusive, and exciting for all.

Do you know which sector you are in or haven't you decided yet?

TAP Commercial Divider

Commercial Businesses

Pre-start , Start-up and scale-up

TAP Charities Divider

Social Enterprise Businesses (CIC's)

Pre-start , Start-up and scale-up

Take a Punt Raise Funds Divider 1

How to get started...

We are old school, but in a modern world: Unlike others who are faceless and totally online, we believe the best way to work out a potential plan of action is to talk, and we work with you to come up with the very best solutions for your idea/business/project!

Open a TAPInto® account

Choose the level of account that suits your needs, bronze level is FREE so Join now, you can upgrade later.

The level of account you hold will also determine the level of any fees paid (Bronze always being the most)

Submit your idea/pitch material

From the members hub select TAPinto® Services > Take a Punt > Submit a pitch, and follow the instructions.

Once your pitch is submitted you will be able to book a consultation

Book a Consultation

One of our team will spend time with you via a 121 video call or face 2 face in one of our offices:

  1. To find out what we do and how we do it.
  2. And to discover who you are and what you want to achieve.

The level of your TAPinto account will determine the length of time allotted for your initial consultation.

  • Bronze level - 1 hour included
  • Silver level - 1 hour 30 mins included
  • Gold level - 2 hours included
  • Platinum level - 2.5 hours included

If you want to move forward

We work with you to develop your offering to take to the market for equity funding, or funding by other providers

To take the first step



But we do provide a range of solutions to assist you in raising funds to meet your needs - From £1k to £15m....

Take a Punt Raise Funds Divider 2
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